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How to do on-page SEO and technical SEO

What is On-Page SEO and Technical SEO?

On-Page SEO, also known as On-Site SEO, refers to optimizing webpage content and structure to better meet the needs of search engines and users. The main elements involved include title tags, meta descriptions, content, internal links, URL structure, etc. By optimizing page elements, search engines can better understand page content and improve rankings. Technical SEO focuses on optimizing the backend and technical elements of a website, making it easier for search engines to find, crawl, understand, and store website content.

For example, we can improve the user experience on the website by optimizing page loading speed, mobile friendliness, etc. Doing these two SEO optimizations well can help improve the website's search engine ranking, increase traffic, and improve User Experience, which can significantly improve the overall SEO performance of the website. However, due to the meticulous and tedious work in these two aspects, and the fact that they will be updated with the development of network technology, professional technical teams or products are needed to execute them. QuickCreator not only has unique characteristics in content generation, but also provides comprehensive support for these two aspects of work in the process of page generation.

Top 80 On-Page and Technical SEO CheckList

Here are 80 optimization projects for On-Page SEO and Technical SEO:

Optimization projectsDescriptionRoleImportance
1. Title TagThe main title of the webpage is displayed in the search resultsCommunicate page themes to search engines and usersVery important
2. Meta DescriptionHTML attributes that briefly describe the page contentIncrease click through rate, affect search rankingImportant
3. Title hierarchy (H1-H6 Tags)Organize content structure using HTML title tagsHelp search engines understand content hierarchyImportant
4. Keyword optimizationUse target keywords reasonably in the contentIncrease relevance, improve rankingVery important
5. Content qualityCreate high-quality, original, and valuable contentAttract users and increase dwell timeVery important
6. Content lengthEnsure that the content is comprehensive and in-depthIncrease relevance and improve ranking opportunitiesImportant
7. Internal linksAdd relevant internal links between pagesDistribute Page Weight, Improve User ExperienceImportant
8. Image optimizationCompress images, add alt textImprove loading speed and increase accessibilityImportant
9. URL structureUse concise and descriptive URLs.Improving readability helps with SEO.Moderately important
10. Mobile friendlinessEnsure that the website performs well on mobile devicesImprove mobile end ranking, Improve User ExperienceVery important
11. Page loading speedOptimize website loading speedImprove User Experience, Impact RankingVery important
12. HTTPS Security ProtocolEncrypt websites with SSL certificatesImprove security, slightly improve rankingImportant
13. Structured Data (Schema Markup)Add Structured Data tagEnhance search results display and increase click through rateModerately important
14. XML Site MapCreate and submit an XML sitemapHelp search engines crawl websites betterImportant
15. Robots.txt fileGuide search engines on how to crawl websitesControl crawler behavior and save crawler budgetModerately important
16. Main URL (Canonical URL)Specify preferred URL versionAvoid duplicate content issuesImportant
17. Breadcrumb NavigationDisplay the user's location on the websiteImproving User Experience, Helping SEOModerately important
18. 404 Page OptimizationCustom 404 error pageReduce User Churn, Provide Navigation OptionsGenerally important
19. Social media meta tagsAdd Open Graph and Twitter Card tagsOptimize social media sharing effectivenessGenerally important
20. Content update frequencyRegularly update website contentMaintain website freshness and attract search engine attentionImportant
21. Keyword densityReasonably control the frequency of keywords appearing in the contentAvoid over-optimization and maintain naturalnessModerately important
22. Long-tail keywordsUse more specific long-tail keywordsImprove conversion rates for specific search intentsImportant
23. Content formatUse multiple formats such as paragraphs, lists, tables, etcImprove readability and increase opportunities for featured clipsImportant
24. Video optimizationAdd video transcription text and descriptionIncrease content richness and improve ranking opportunitiesGenerally important
25. Image file nameUse descriptive image file namesProvide additional keyword signalsLow importance
26. Link anchor textUse descriptive anchor textPass the theme of the link target pageImportant
27. Page Theme FocusEnsure that each page focuses on a single topicIncrease relevance, improve rankingImportant
28. Content semantic relevanceUse LSI keywords and related termsEnhance the semantic relevance of the contentImportant
29. Remove duplicate contentAvoid or handle duplicate content on the websitePrevent keyword self-competitionGenerally important
30. Responsive designEnsure that the website displays normally on various devicesProviding a Good Multi-Device User ExperienceVery important
31. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)Implementing Google AMPImprove mobile page loading speedModerately important
32. Content segmentationDivide long articles into multiple sectionsImprove readability and increase user dwell timeImportant
33. Table contentUse HTML tables in appropriate placesOrganize data and increase opportunities for featured segmentsModerately important
34. References and external linksLink to authoritative sourcesIncrease credibility and provide additional valueModerately important
35. Date of content updateThe last update date of the displayed contentIndicate the freshness of the contentModerately important
36. Manage commentsEncourage and manage user commentsIncrease user-generated content and improve interactivityModerately important
37. Diversity of contentProvide various types of content (text, images, videos, etc.)Meet different user requests, increase attractivenessImportant
38. Page depthControl website hierarchy to avoid pages that are too deepEnsure that important pages are easy to discover and crawlImportant
39. Navigation optimizationCreate clear and intuitive website navigationImproving User Experience and Search Engine CrawlingImportant
40. Footer linksAdd links to important pages in the footerProvide additional navigation optionsModerately important
41. Aggregation PagesCreate topic-related content Aggregation PageIncrease internal links to improve topic authorityImportant
42. Keyword variantsUse synonyms and antonymsCover more search queries and increase ranking opportunitiesImportant
43. Content readabilityEnsure that the content is easy to understandImprove User Experience, Increase Dwell TimeImportant
44. Remove broken linksRegularly check and repair broken linksImprove User Experience and Website HealthModerately important
45. Reduce advertisingControl the number and location of ads on the pageImprove User Experience, Avoid Affecting RankingModerately important
46. Internationalization of contentLocalization content for different languages/regionsOptimized for specific marketsDepending on the situation
47. Page compressionEnable GZIP compressionReduce data transmission and improve loading speedImportant
48. Browser cacheSet appropriate browser caching policiesImprove the loading speed of repeated visitsImportant
49. Reduce HTTP requestsMerge CSS/JS files, use CSS SpritesReduce loading timeImportant
50. Lazy loadingUse lazy loading for non-critical resourcesIncrease initial loading speedImportant
51. CDN usageUsing information delivery networksSpeed up global accessImportant
52. Remove rendering blocking resourcesOptimize CSS and JavaScript loadingSpeed up page renderingImportant
53. Server response timeOptimize server configuration and performanceReduce Waiting Time and Improve User ExperienceImportant
54. Image lazy loadingUse lazy loading for off-screen imagesIncrease initial loading speedImportant
55. Video HostingHosting videos on platforms such as YouTubeReduce server load and improve loading speedModerately important
56. Font optimizationOptimize webpage font loadingReduce loading time and improve rendering speedModerately important
57. CSS optimizationSimplify and optimize CSS codeReduce file size and speed up loadingImportant
58. JavaScript optimizationSimplify and optimize JavaScript codeReduce file size and improve execution efficiencyImportant
59. Preload critical resourcesPreload critical resources using resource hintsSpeed up the loading of critical resourcesModerately important
60. RetargetingAvoid Unnecessary URL RetargetingReduce loading timeModerately important
61. Optimize DOM sizeControl the number of DOM elementsImprove page rendering and operation efficiencyModerately important
62. Use asynchronous loadingUse asynchronous loading for non-critical scriptsAvoid blocking page renderingImportant
63. Remove unused CSSClean up unused CSS codeReduce file size and improve loading speedModerately important
64. Optimize image formatsUse modern image formats such as WebPReduce file size and improve loading speedImportant
65. Achieving Progress BarAdd Load Progress IndicatorImprove User Experience, reduce bounce rateModerately important
66. Optimize the content of the first screenPrioritize loading content visible on the first screenImprove user-perceived loading speedImportant
67. Using HTTP/2Upgrade to HTTP/2 protocolImprove data transmission efficiencyImportant
68. Optimize server configurationAdjust server settings to improve performanceReduce response time and improve concurrent processing capabilitiesImportant
69. Database optimizationOptimize database queries and structuresIncrease data retrieval speedImportant
70. Use memory cacheImplement server-side cachingReduce database queries and improve response speedImportant
71. Optimize CSS selectorsUse efficient CSS selectorsImprove style application speedModerately important
72. Avoid internal connection stylesMove CSS to an external fileImprove cache efficiency and reduce HTML sizeModerately important
73. Optimize web fontsLimit the number and variants of web fonts usedReduce loading timeModerately important
74. Implementing PrefetchPrefetch resources that may be neededImprove the loading speed of subsequent pagesModerately important
75. Optimize icon fontsUse SVG or icon fontsReduce HTTP requests and improve loading speedModerately important
76. Service WorkersUse Service Worker to cache resourcesImprove offline and repeat access performanceImportant
77. Optimize third-party scriptsReview and optimize the loading of third-party scriptsReduce the impact of external resources on performanceImportant
78. Implement lazy loading of commentsLazy loading comment systemIncrease initial loading speedModerately important
79. Optimize website structureCreate a flat and logically clear website structureImprove SEO and user navigationImportant
80. Implementing Breadcrumb NavigationAdd Breadcrumb Navigation LinkImproving User Experience and Internal Link StructureModerately important

What On-Page and Technical SEO Optimizations Did QuickCreator Do?

Comprehensive Meta Information Generation and Management

Blog authors can manage authors, blog types, etc. through the following management interface


Secondly, you can manage URLs, titles, descriptions, etc. through the following SEO management interface


Mobile end optimization

QuickCreator directly supports responsive pages, accessible on all PCs and mobile devices; and supports image slimming optimization on mobile devices. You can click the following button to preview:


Cyber security and optimization

QuickCreator places a high value on security and performance, and is committed to providing a seamless and secure experience for users around the world.

Security measures

SSL/TLS encryption All data transfers between users and our servers are encrypted using the SSL/TLS protocol. This ensures the confidentiality and integrity of information during transmission.


Strict security header configuration We have configured strict security headers, including HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), Content-Security-Policy (CSP), and X-Content-Type-Options. These configurations help protect against common network threats such as man-in-the-middle attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and content sniffing.


Web Application Firewall (WAF) We use a Web Application Firewall to protect and filter malicious traffic from the Internet. WAF can detect and block various types of attacks, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and malicious bot access, ensuring the security of our applications and user data.


Performance optimization

Global information delivery - AWS CloudFront QuickCreator leverages AWS CloudFront, a global information delivery network (CDN), to deliver data through over 600 globally dispersed points of presence (PoPs) with automated network mapping and intelligent routing. CloudFront accelerates global content delivery, ensuring fast loading speeds regardless of user location.


Intelligent routing and caching optimization We use intelligent routing and caching policies to maximize performance and availability by dynamically adjusting traffic paths and content caching locations. This not only improves page loading speed, but also reduces server load and improves overall User Experience.


Other More On-Page SEO and Technical SEO

QuickCreator has also helped clients with dozens of optimizations, but due to its technical nature, we will not trace them here.